Banished pc game review
Banished pc game review

banished pc game review

Unfortunately, Banished’s reliance on intrinsic difficulty means that it can veer wildly between too difficult or too simple based on either player expertise or the random setup of each map. It's difficult to overstate how refreshing it is to play a city-building strategy game whose challenge is natural, instead of imposed artificially. Its difficulty doesn't come from struggling to figure out what's happening or how to understand it, nor from arbitrary events like time limits or invasions (although there are a few random disasters like fires and disease), but instead from the rhythms of play-expanding too quickly to feed everyone, or running short of firewood in winter. The lack of external interruption makes it easy to turn on Banished and lose several hours to the passing of the seasons.Ī late autumn snow threatens the harvest. You can (and probably should) add information windows and a mini-map, but even with that it's a far cry from other series like SimCity or Tropico whose interfaces and pop-ups can dominate the screen. First Banished teaches its systems, then it crushes you with them.īanished uses a clean, minimalist, and customizable interface where by default, 95% of what appears on the screen is the city itself. then it let me encounter my first harsh winter where a third of my town died to starvation.

banished pc game review

In both how it presented itself and how it taught me, Banished clearly indicated that it wanted me access and comprehend its systems. In the city-builder Banished, that moment occurred for me almost as soon as I loaded the tutorial, which is one of the best I've ever played.

banished pc game review

There's a special feeling that occurs when a game indicates that it knows what its players are going to want to do, and seems to gently guide you to play it just right.

Banished pc game review